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Check out the news item at IOPSCIENCE.ORG
Diffusion-limited reactions in crowded environments: a local density approximation
Journal of Physics C - Condensed Matter - 25, 375104 (2013)

Heating rate effect on the activation of viscoelastic relaxation in silicate glasses
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Macromolecular crowding: chemistry and physics meet biology
(Ascona, Switzerland, 10-14 June 2012)
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Theory of diffusion-influenced reactions in complex geometries
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Macroscopic Transport Equations in Many-Body Systems from Microscopic Exclusion Processes in Disordered Media: A Review
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Universality of fold-encoded localized vibrations in enzymes
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Mesoscale computational protocols for the design of highly cooperative bivalent macromolecules
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COVID-19: The unreasonable effectiveness of simple models
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Tracer diffusion in crowded solutions of sticky polymers
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Ficoll as testing material for diffusion weighted imaging-quality assurance phantoms
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